Exploring a Different Grain IV

October 10, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Its been some time since my last post, and I realise it takes effort to maintain a blog. To fellow bloggers out there who are constantly updating on a daily basis, I'd like to give you a 'salute'!

Today marks the tenth day of working with the Ricoh GRD4. I bought it after much consideration, where I had to offload a lens from my collection to fund this purchase. Well, loosing a lens for a digital camera sounds like a 'financially sound' and 'viable' move, does it not? not really if you take into account the 'value' of the lens. In other words, the depreciation value of the digital Point & Shoot camera would be higher than the M-mount lens I sold.

What I gained was far more important.

I gained 'shooting time' with the GRD4. Its small, its light, its fast. Apologies, I would have to rephrase that, it is lightning fast. What do I really mean by this?

The advantage of the GRD4 over its competitors is the speed and user-interface. Of course, this is subjective to personal assessment. As a 'shooter', its advantages far outweigh the option of having to focal lengths of lenses sitting in the dry box or bag, idling its life away.

Stairway to Infinity That does not look 'fast' Ben. What makes you say the GRD4 is fast? Its a stationery object Ben!

How about this?

Or this?

With a 28mm f1.9 equivalent  lens, this wide angle fixed focal length CCD sensor is paired with a lovely user-interface and colour modes. The B&W settings are lovely at low ISO's of 100 - 1600. It goes up to 3200, but I find that my threshold at this moment is 1600, till it gets a little messy in the tones.

With this setting, I have zero edits for this


For this moment at least :). All edits were done in-camera settings till I get a better 'feel' for the camera. This should take me another 2 weeks before I start experimenting a little further with the camera.

I admit that my initial reaction to this baby was that I disliked it. Yes, I did. Why did I spend S$750 for this small sensor of a camera, where I have been enjoying the likes of film and a Full-Frame sensor of my Nikon D3? Why?

The simple fact is that I CAN SHOOT MORE. That's it.

Pardon me while I come back tomorrow for another update on the GRD4. I need some sleep. So that I can shoot more tomorrow :)




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