Exploring - A Different Grain

September 07, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

I would like to challenge my vision with a new series where I not only shoot with a 'fresh eye', but quicker and with a spontaneous reaction. Shooting these past few years with the viewfinder to my eye has created a 'perception' that I need to focus on the basics. These 'rules' are creating confines in my head and restricting the freedom.

This shot was taken quite awhile ago, please excuse how its scanned as its was with my old portable scanner. I'd like to focus on the composition, and the content of the shot. It is a regular street scene, with an old man on the far left of the screen, looking no where in particular that will help in creating the 'mood' of the shot. As for the gentleman walking towards the camera, well, it just makes it an even more ordinary photograph of a normal day on the street.

I have seen many street photographs that have a certain 'story' and flair to the content. This form of engagement is alluring. I'd like to work on it.

Grab a seat A more recent shot from my collection, this is more like it eh! The truth is, I was waiting for the moment. Personally, there is a difference for me to wait for a scene to happen, and for me to 'snap it' when it happens. Its a different method of photography, and each have their merits.

In another scenario, we could opt to pose the subject. But that kills the 'street factor', don't you think? Its not that its wrong, its just....a different method.

Snapped at chest level This is one of those 'snap it now' moments, without any form of viewing it through the lens. I remember this was done with a 50mm lens, and with the obvious handshake, many would have 'failed' the shot. I didn't. In fact, I love it for its act of randomness. Its the freedom I want to showcase in this shot.

See the difference? The obvious difference between a subject posing and one that is not aware of the camera has tremendous effects on a photograph. I have lost track of my intention of this post :)

Now, where does 'my freedom to see' go from here?

Sometimes, a random shot can be extremely refreshing!

Its my turn again today?


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